So, I am told that in these (internet) days – readers are everything,
And indeed they can be, not in the sense that everything you long for when you write is “many readers, ” but in the sense that, readership matters, reading good things matters.
Yet Jesus’s mindset means that I should care more about one reader than the 99 (readers), per se. My prayer is, that, perhaps, you will be that reader!

This precisely, is how I summarize my prayer for readers of this blog, and just so you know, I don’t mind having many of them if that’s what God intends, yet, may I never stop caring for one reader like you!
In this spirit too, as a big fan of communications, I have often reflected on the importance of not just good reads but reader experiences too, as such, I have concluded that yeah, ‘what’ people read is as important as “how” people read it.
Some of the readers here raised a concern back then about strange ads that interrupted their reading experiences, as such, God answered our prayer by providing me an offer from an exceptional website designer friend, Paul has been able to put together the all-new Muleefu website at breakneck speed, in ways that will hopefully help us all reflect over the glory of God without any perfume or clothing ads interrupting. yikes!
Friends! I am pleased to introduce to you the all-new!
I looked at the backend of the previous blog, and some of the most read blogs included, An Open Letter to a Phaneroo Friend, among others. But those are the reader’s favorites, (I also have writer favorites) – pieces I enjoyed writing, particular pieces where scriptural testimony and personal experience provoked me to pen, for example, the one about Contraceptives to Ugandan 15-year-olds,
What They Never Briefed Me about Overnight Prayers,
Focus on the People You Are Doing Life with, and
When Tempted, You Will Forget Glorious Things. (among others)
Interviewing William, Geoffrey, Jackie, and Daphne was such a deepening spiritual experience too. So were some random reflections about my wife and family.
(May I also add that I am growing passionate about coming alongside a generation of writers who want to cultivate the Image of God in them by writing better than ChatGPT and other similar AI tools?)
Thank you for reading, and recommending. God’s work advances through his word, and through those who try to reflect well over it, I pray and hope that writing words informed by God’s word, can contribute a ‘tiny little bit’ to the work God is doing across Uganda in converting and sanctifying sinners.
May your reading and sharing make this prayer worthwhile.
Happy reading!
Your friend Eddie!