I still love all my writing teachers.
Back in the pre-smartphone “floppy disk” days, I’d spend hours in internet cafes researching what else was “out there” about the writing craft, often sparked by something my writing lecturer had mentioned in class.
It always felt like writing class provoked me towards more curiosity.
In God’s providence, I followed my curiosities and dug up things about writing that weren’t even required of me in class. Now I kind of see why? Something was stirring, I loved writing beyond classroom requirements.
And that’s a short story about how I discovered I wanted to be a writer. Okay enough about me, let’s talk about you.
Chances are you haven’t written as much as you would like to, maybe the most official writing you do is texting and report writing. (those have their place too uh?)
But you want more.
You want to say, not just more, but you, like me, would like to write out things, and compellingly. Maybe it’s an idea that needs clothing with words, a project, a blog, or something, you could use some help of course.
Maybe it’s your team at work that needs some writing development beyond reports and emails.
If you, like me, often mumble when you should speak clearly, lack coherence when you shouldn’t. Writing down things clearly is no longer a “by the way.”
Maybe your company newsletters and brochures (if any) don’t read as they should. Maybe it’s time to use an external communication consultant, like me, to help boost your organisation’s goals. If that’s you, we can talk.
In the spirit of adding value to others with the gifts God gives, I want to support your personal and work communication, if you will permit me.
Writevertising is my small corner of the world where I sit every day and help people communicate better with smart words, for more awareness and sales. I wake up every day to help businesses, individuals and organisations speak and write with clarity.
What does that look like Eddie?
Yes, it looks like me helping you draft social media posts, website and communication strategies, writing regular blogs and newsletters that regularly flesh out your personal or organisational vision. I am working around the clock to ensure people like you write things that go out with clarity, conciseness, persuasion and punch.
Friends, (and longtime readers of Muleefu) that’s my personal vision and how I see myself adding value to your work and life.
In the long run, I am excited about how God may use this to help people like you love others with words, ,whether we are putting them on official social media, a company magazine/brochure, or saying them to a customer across the butchery counter.

Humantarian & Faith based organisations
Likewise, many humanitarian organisations, churches and para-church, or faith-based organisations are swimming in waters of communication ambiguity, a lot is done in the field but little is reported about, in many churches too, compelling sermons that could blossom into beautiful blog posts and books, lie dusty in ministry drawers while the world perishes.
Ministry websites have no updates as supporters wonder “what is happening with the ministry we support?” And maybe social media pages and sermons get updated, but never reach as many audiences as they are intended to. We haven’t even talked of sermon series turning into books.
it’s clear, writing help is needed all over the corporate and non-profit world. Time and space do not allow us to talk about untold ministry success stories.
In the long run, I am excited about how God may use this to help people like you love others with words,, whether we are putting them on official social media, a company magazine/brochure or websites.
So If this sounds like something or somebody you know, well.
The Offer
I am offering 3 free (facilitation only) internal communication audit slots) for 2 faith-based organisations by 22 October, 2022.
With specific goals to improve donor/partnership/ communication, activate social media presence and help them reach more audiences. I am also offering 2 ideation meetings for individuals who want to polish their personal writing, if that’s you, express your interest by filling this form.
I believe all communication should be better, because come to think of it, the best news in the world calls for the best communication.
If this is a conversation we can pursue, Whatsapp me: +256782793020. (even if it’s just say, hello man, keep it up)
Prayer points.
Oh, please pray too, pray for God to use this business effort, so it can serve more people, as it puts food on my family table too. Pray for our website, branding, and staffing and capital needs, pray.
(Individual Christians aiming to build a writing platform to serve and reach more people can also get their articles edited for free through November 2022.)
(Visit our Writevertising pages on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to review previous articles, share this blog to somebody, or some people somewhere, never know. We may all be talking soon, right?
Many blessings.
Eddie Ssemakula
Smart writing for better marketing and awareness
[…] Pixabay.comSo my writing business has kind of got me in a certain mode recently. For the sake of illustration, let’s abbreviate […]
[…] internal advertSo, I may have intimated here a few months back about a small business that had started crawling. Writevertising indeed did come out of the mind to the street. What this […]