“Church bashing” is not uncommon today, yet God’s design for true community remains indomitable, in spite of us, in spite of us sinners.
Like someone once quipped, “Church is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners. “
In this episode Blogger Jessica Layado, St Francis Makerere Youth Pastor, Dennis Mugume, Sojourn Church Pastor, Besweri Walujjo and I explore multiple skewed notions about Christ’s bride today, the rise of accountability-free city fellowships, and more.
(Worldview Wednesday is about Roundtable informal conversations about faith, life, and culture. It is Christianity in the public square, in dialogue with other worldviews. Committedly biblical, we think that our generation must learn to think biblically and engage soberly, wisely responding to the questions of origin, morality, meaning, and destiny that every heart poses.)
We are open to avenues of respectful discussion and polite disagreements.