Our laptops have several folders of Christian music; our wallpaper is a bible one.
We are big on Christian events; this Jesus impresses us, mostly because our mother talked about him a lot.
We last noticed our Bible while dusting the shelf last week.
Our favorite topic in School was “separation of church and state” no wonder we still uphold it today. So you wont find us talking about our faith to a class mate, but be sure to catch us smiling at a sexually charged joke in office.
When the ancient prophet talked about a people whose “lips are near but hearts far,” (Is 29:13) he had just seen our movie rack at home.
We like our Pastors “cool” so we choose our churches carefully. On one condition – ”no too much Bible. “
If you have not met us yet, don’t look too far, we might actually be the ones reading this, or actually writing it.
We are the ones your Bible warned you about, “with a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” (2 Tim 3:5)
His power is not in our lives because his word is not. No wonder we still quote from the book of Abraham and still think, “God helps those who help themselves.”
We are your friends; you’ve seen us in the next row on Sunday peeping in a neighbor’s Bible because we didn’t carry ours.
Our favorite phrase is “over spiritual.” We often use that to pour cold water on everybody that attempts to call us to biblical standards. We are low on “daily obedience” and high on speaking christianese. Our “amens” are more emphasized in our speech than in our lives.
The last time we memorized a verse, we stopped in the middle, you want to hear it?
“There is nocondemnation..”
Next time you think about us, pray for us, we surely love this Jesus; it’s just that our hearts are still “alive” to the world.
It’s just that he is absent in our private lives.
What we need is not another comical, entertainment driven sermon, what we need is a convicting passage.
Something that reads like.
“Not everybody who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matt 7:21)
We are many,
“.. having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof” ( Tim 3:5)
Oh my how so true of us. Eddie you have your way with saying hard things in a simple way
Amen Annette! glory deflected,indeed we are many – keep dropping by.