Lagen is One Step Ahead on How Christians Should Engage the Arts in Kampala.
Creativity can bypass the head and reach the heart without belittling God, ask Lagen.
Creativity can bypass the head and reach the heart without belittling God, ask Lagen.
Midlife sometimes feels like pressure to be omnipresent, why?
Grace is increasing in my blogging, who is sufficient for these things?
“Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is not to pray all-night long, but sleep.” D,A Carson
“Theology is the study of God. Now while that can be the intentional pursuit of learning, it also means everyone is a theologian.”
Like his friend John Piper would say, he lived the unwasted life.
Character formation is my family’s responsibility, not the government’s or any NGO’s.
Children are first and foremost given to parents. They are sons and daughters of family and society before they are citizens and statistics.
After 8 years of marriage, still true – the only way I knew (and know) she was (and is) the one meant for me was because I “opened my mouth” and spoke
For more than a decade, I have always lived with a tension resulting from trying to reconcile what I read in God’s word and what I see in God’s world.
This platform is an aggregation of reflections resulting from that discord.
By God’s grace, until the sweat lies cold on my brow, I hope to enter his glory satisfied that his word was not only the lamp to my feet, but a lamp to others’ feet too.
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