In cute-sounding language like “free speech, Human rights, equality, reproductive health, sexual rights, social justice” – they are basically saying everything we have come to know and live as true and beautiful for 2000 years is wrong.
Should we swallow these new cultural-elite claims hook, line and sinker?
Well, disclaimers first, these are generally good people, in fact, massively talented, many western educated – postgrads.
I’ve learnt lots from them, some taught me in journalism school, we’ve shared seats in NGO, digital work and occasionally retweeted each other.
I still enjoy working with many.
In fact, when I recently met one of them in a hotel elevator, you couldn’t tell she was the face behind those men-bashing, sexuality-exalting, purity-mocking tweets on Uganda’s Twittersphere.
She cracked a joke and we laughed about having taken a wrong route to the venue.
Here was an evangelical blogger hobnobbing with a radical feminist, but don’t be deceived, there was more than what met the eye- because there always is.
I still respect her, herself and many others, eloquent lawyers, feminist poets, law school students, gender activists—yet competence should not be confused with moral conviction.
What you now have in Uganda today is a young elite population raised on an aggressive anti-authority and self-asserting claims, set ablaze by a globalizing social media, they are determined to pull down everything traditional, conservative, authoritative, and exalt everything “free speech” —while bundling up every other argument on Marxist (economic) grounds.
Somehow, hour by hour, we are trumpeted to daily across social media by our “enlightened” friends that; Stella Nyanzi’s vulgarity, anti-pornography laws, homosexual legalization, abortion rights, is what true freedom looks like —freedom without boundaries.
In this supposed “free society” we are told we can change our sexuality, but not our feelings, we are reminded how our commitment to historical faith and beliefs are socially constructed and have no place in a post-modern world.
That for 2000 years, everybody else, except them, has been wrong about what it means to be female and male.
These conversations are often oiled with free-flowing NGO and “development-actor” goodwill—if not in cash.
In the developing world, donor money flows to city hotel cash offices as they host conversations geared towards pushing back against “inequality, patriarchy, bigotry” Tolerance is encouraged, at least up to the point a religious person has to speak up.
Our young and enlightened, some churned from our churches, revel on social media as they tweet things their grandmother or Pastor would cringe at.
Who cares? they would probably ask back.
Christians do!
Of course, Christians do, and they must, because we understand that gender activists, traditionalists, patriarchs and LGBT sympathisers are not the enemy here.
In the grand scheme of things, the gospel is, in the language of Apostle Paul, these are “thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of Christ” (2 Cor 10:5)
Because in a mind where feminist ideology has taken root, rarely does any husband love as Christ loved the church, neither does any wife submit. guess what’s severed, family as God intended
When women’s reproductive health is the priority over a child’s right, the image of God revealed in the newborn becomes secondary.

Where human sexuality is up for private interpretation, not only is human flourishing at stake, Christian marriage is.
But of course, Ugandan Christians cannot only whine, our message has survived worse things before, including Hitler and, yes, Kabaka Muwanga.
We ought to stay on message, that human thriving is not a donor concept, questions of origin, meaning and destiny cannot be reduced to humanistic aspirations, no matter their well-meaning impulse.
If the Church is to help those ensnared by the new world order, a robust awareness of what is going on here is important.
This is what blogger Trevin Wax has described as “progressive individualism” and observed in notions such as,
- “The world will inevitably improve as the scope of individual freedom grows. Technology – in particular, the Internet – will motor this progression toward utopia.”
- Traditions, religions, received wisdom, regulations, and social ties that restrict individual freedom, happiness, self-definition, and self-expression must be reshaped, deconstructed, or destroyed.”
More crucially in this understanding of new freedoms, we do well to align ourselves the writer of John who insists that only “if the son sets you free, are you free indeed” indeed. (John 8:36)
We do ourselves a favour when we understand that vast promises of freedom our Society and its sexual revolutionaries imbibe—detached from history, biblical revelation and historical institutions like church—yet promising freedom, are not freedoms indeed, because yes, by experience, they come with the last six letters missing namely. —i.n.d.e.e.d.
A new category of left-leaning cultural elites, having evidently sedated Western society with liberal ideology, are now cloning themselves in the developing world against everything you may have embraced as true freedom.
The Church’s hope
But knowing Christ is the only way to insulate yourself from such neo-libertarian mass deceit— deceit that has already left carnage of loneliness, gender confusion, rising depression and suicide rates among its western disciples.
For now, the redeemed must stay aware of the prowling lion, we should be ready to not only demolish arguments but also take thoughts captive to Christ, question is, shall we?
Woooow!! Very insightful and worth pondering as a Christian
[…] in his name. Because in an era of words, words imbibed in videos, status updates and Tweets, it is important to remind ourselves of another set of words whose purpose is described by John this […]