It is Possible to waste your life in a leather Chair.



During my unemployment, (oh and I am still looking) a friend has asked me what It feels like to wake up on Monday morning with everybody heading to work and I have nowhere to go.

My answer was and still is close to the title of this article, it is possible to waste your life in a leather chair, the real issue, I told him, was not really about heading out every morning but how you used your time wherever Mondays found you.

Because I am home most of the day, the temptation for me is to spend my time the way I wish.

But the dishes still need washing, laundry still needs to be done, my daughter still needs her walks, all this comes with no insurance benefits, or per diem, yet it is still work.

And I don’t think God says, ‘well, washing dishes is not really work’, real work means sitting in a leather chair and clicking emails, as the accounts office tallies your PAYE.

That doomsday thinking is often bound to drown me, I now remind myself daily, that what I still need most is productivity, much more than a job title.

It’s possible to finally get the job I longed for and spend insurmountable time sharing memes, talking Barcelona at the water cooler, and idealizing the next dream job, without exhibiting any ‘faithfulness in the little.’

I think it was Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg that said if you don’t treat your employees well, they will use your internet to look for the next job opportunity-although the later often happens, regardless.

Dare I say our friends in the West have a productivity-friendly work ethic that rewards hourly efforts, therefore, encouraging time-accountability, unlike ours, which inevitably rewards you at the end of the month, even if our daily hours are consistently consumed by social media- just as your lunch hours extend to 3 pm!

Whether we work in New York or Namutumba, we are all capable of wasting our lives at work, and the writer of Colossians encourages believers to work as ‘unto The Lord’ because he knows, what matters is not whether you are seated on a leather chair or a stool all day, rather, whether you’ve got a work ethic at all.

Well, back to my friend, I told him of the numerous days I used to walk out of office daily and felt like I was wasting my life, (even when everybody thought I had a job)

Now I see, a cobbler who keeps his word to fix three sandals daily is more faithful than a bored Staff who turns to his Instagram thrice during every boardroom meeting.

Now I know, Whether you undertake your daily tasks on a stool or a leather chair, the threat of wasting your life always lurks in how you use your time wherever Monday finds you.

Doesn’t it?



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7 years ago

Indeed, it’s now where you go but what you do where ever you are. Thanks for this

Reply to  Nemvicx
7 years ago

This is awesome. Thank you for the reminder. It is timely for me.?

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