Iam a man.
And I write to you not as a superior, but as a member of a privileged, responsible, yet endangered gender.
I can no longer walk this world the way I want because my footprints mean something to my wife, daughter, church and society, sure yours too.
My footprints mean I carry a privilege and calling to provide, shepherd, lead, model to, protect, those God has granted me opportunity while community thrives, as a result.
Yet from listening to voices in my society of late, every kind of gunfire seems to be directed to abolishing a mandate like mine, without sparing me either. (alert if you ever notice this assault is pointing elsewhere—I might be relieved, even if for a while.)
Casual sex and male passivity, for example, dominate the culture, the rise in numbers of single mothers and unparented, un-instructed children bite, as feminism lures on the sidelines.
Casual sex and male passivity, for example, dominate the culture, the rise in numbers of single mothers and unparented, un-instructed children bite, as feminism lures on the sidelines.
You can even dare say, this is not only a social-moral crisis but a governance burden as leaders are willing to divise even repugnant taxation to cope with resulting family anarchy- call it overpopulation’s contribution to the tax burden.
On the other hand, there other internal burdens I carry as a man.
Folks my age, baited by desire and adrenaline can either be traced in betting centres as unemployment partly compels or if employed, in offices, clad but gripped by the claws of internet pornography.
Yet my role as a man is deemed medieval by multinational agendas. Organization agendas seeking to resolve a legitimate concern (women liberation) with distorted means (radical feminism)
Look, everybody seems to agree (at least by implication) that authority is good in schools, governments, and at work, but not in homes—where societies find their roots, attempts to impress upon God’s design of family is met with Twitter trends of misogyny and accusations of traditionalism.
Global Feminism is basically telling everybody, families can experience all kinds of anarchy, confusion, chaos, as long as our careers and personal “freedom” are flying. Tell me the devil is not a liar?
And I see, our feminist friends have a worthy motive on their hands, but isn’t their message and messenger glaringly inconsistent?
If this is not how men and society are eventually destroyed I don’t know how else.
Believers in Jesus Christ understand the problem is elsewhere though, its solutions too.
Scripture diagnoses how through one man sin entered mankind and how through another, redemption came. (Rom 5:12) Basically—Problematic human nature, messianic remedy!
But since our churches too are busy with wealth, motivation and self-help schemes, we will instead keep wishing and proposing short-term remedies of earthly well-being at the expense of cultural impact, equally devastating!
Until questions of origin, meaning, and destiny are sufficiently answered through what God has spoken—trust the author of life—we are all heading downhill, and fast, churches too, if not first.
Until questions of origin, meaning, and destiny are sufficiently answered through what God has spoken—trust the author of life—we are all heading downhill, and fast, churches too, if not first.
These moral missiles are likely to floor men like us first before the society our leadership serves crumbles like a pack of cards too.
My humble charge is not new, men out there; families, churches and society are counting on you to lead and love like the man we know who never sinned.
And like in Jeremiah’s day, let’s stand at the crossroads and “ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is and walk in it”. (Jer 6:16)
Apostle Paul put the biblical instruction mandate of younger men to older men in churches (1Tim 5:1) How are we fairing there husbands?
Will our churches shut down the prosperity, and self-help drama and take this mantle of social renewal?
Otherwise, I only see a tunnel at the end of the light, instead, with more moral casualties in trousers registered, as entire populations, we serve languish in our bloodbath—meters away from where we were standing before the trigger was pulled.
Lord help all the men out there stand, and start with me!