People in my circles, even the latest like the office admin assistant at work, often eventually find out my personal weaknesses.
And as my wife Rhionah may testify, it seems like everybody that gets to know me an inch more begins to see my closet skulls.
Of course I don’t like it.
No one likes to be exposed, for the last few years, the realization that I am often forgetful has often been my “thorn in the flesh” hey! it even cost me a girlfriend in the 2000’s. (But that’s supposed to be another article, right?)
Well, When I meet some of my former classmates, one of the things they bring up is a vivid recollection of some kind girl, a classmate, who used to help safely keep books I had forgotten in the lecture room. Note: no relation to girlfriend hinted before.
Now, nobody likes to often be remembered by their weakness, and in a day like ours, with rampant, highly secularist believe-in-yourself-isms that allow no admission of our limitations, a personal weakness exposed can tag on the soul, ask me.
But thank God for the gospel, when I read about folks like apostle Paul, who talk about “boasting about their weaknesses, so that Christ’s strength may be made perfect in them” (2 Cor 12: 9), I am happier.
I am happier because every time Iam identified as a forgetful guy, I don’t lose sleep, I often own up (not easily of course) smile back and seek Christ’s power to rest on me, and grace to do better next time-remembering I am in the good company of fallen imperfect humans including you, my reader, alongside the great great apostle.
Iam happier, not necessarily because I gloat in my weaknesses, but because every time an uncomfortable recollection especially about my personality tags at the soul, I remember what I have been saved from, and how Christ’s power now rests on me.
Like Job, I remember my redeemer lives, yet like Paul, I still plead to the Lord to take away this thorn in my flesh (2 Cor 12:8) – sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn’t.
Yet I eventually rest in the fact Iam not identified by my weakness, Iam identified by Christ’s power in me.
If you are a Christian, your weaknesses are something to boast about, because guess who they invite in – the one who lived a perfect life so you could get all the approval worth having – Jesus!
Now that’s something that keeps my head above the water, especially in today’s world where strength is often paraded, and weakness concealed.
A world where we rarely admit our humanity, so as to experience his divinity – the very thing ultimate happiness is about.
This has just reminded a question in one of the books I am reading;
Oh, that I may seek no man’s approval but HIS!
Thanks Taata Mercedes for this lovely yet hard-hitting reminder
He he, may we never boast except in the cross, mehn! thanks for passing by