Recent days have been confusing for many, it is critical that those who care for souls are not numb to events that pre-occupy their neighbour.
Events in Arua have differing versions and maybe It is wise that religious leaders, more so Christian gospel ministers, delay their commentary as they ascertain the facts.
What I hope is that such seasons give every Christian opportunity to reflect on their role in Ugandan society.
Ugandan Christians are often mauled by the false prosperity gospel renown (among other things) for caring about its adherents’ wellbeing more than neighbour.
As a result, this absence of true gospel power in our churches leaves many Christians apathetic to Caesar’s goingabouts or ingratiates them too much to those in power.
As a result, you have (supposed) gospel ministers trying so hard to validate their shepherding through political manoeuvring or completely ignoring the current affairs that grip people’s hearts.
Folly, in this case, would be to fine-tune our gospel message to the spirit of the age or preach like our congregation has already been evacuated from earth.
Our inability to live beyond state house occupants and escape popular sentiment as we fulfil Jesus’ mandate to make disciples has not helped society.
The power of God revealed in scripture has departed from our pulpits as we exchange Biblical authority for prosperity.
We can neither say with prophet Amos, “let justice roll down like a river”(Amos 5:24) nor with Apostle Paul, “the King does not hold the sword in vain. ” (Rom 13:4)
The church shouldn’t be quiet about politics and neither should it exchange God’s eternal word for the news-savvy appetites of the hour.
Unlike any politician’s, the word on our pulpits will last after the flowers fade and the grass withers.
Folly here would be to fine-tune our gospel message to the spirit of the age or preach like our congregation has already been evacuated from earth.
Folly here is to fine-tune our gospel message to the spirit of the age or preach like our congregation has already been evacuated from earth.
Steve Lawson says, “No matter who is president, Jesus will always be King ” and we already know that power corrupts, Christians must speak to both absurdities.
Because whether Presidents change or not, the church’s mandate to make disciples and renew society remains.
This is good news any Christian should hold onto no matter what news anchors are relaying.
For now, we watch and pray, without forsaking any of the two.