An excited young man in my newsfeed recently posted how his crush had said “hi first” and added this —“ guys our Kwanjula is next week! ”
I laughed so hard but sobered up, thinking; It’s so easy to underestimate the desire to speak up or to marry—when you are already a married man.
Yet I also felt compassion for the many single women out there, some in our church pews, who are holding out hope, that someday, some guy, will finally wipe his forehead and “take things to another level.”
Hope that Prince Charming will finally climb his horse, at least for starters.
So on the downside, what’s happening with that disequilibrium is that over time, you have more young women, some single mothers, manipulated and frustrated with no sight of men willing to speak up, take the lead and ask for marriage.
The real tragedy though is that the Ugandan church rarely exhausts this social problem.
Most men are fed on worldliness unfit to help them develop convictions and live to the glory of God – even in their relationships.
In fact, some pulpits would rather equip their millennials to arrive at the altar with more cash than conviction.
As a result, the men in our pews see the lack of a first million as the only hindrance to “making things official,” —as the world pitches to them easier (and costly) alternatives of casual sex.
Our red-blooded believers, the hope of tomorrow’s church, find themselves clueless as a louder society shapes their view of sex and commitment more than God’s word.
As sin entered the world in Genesis 3, lack of closely Initiative followed. That curse, exhibited in male passivity, is part of the lull many 30+-year-olds experience—unable to initiate “hard talks” about permanence with the woman they like.
instead of conversation-starters like “where is this going by the way?” the comfort of casual sex and risk-free dating lull (even) well-meaning men into this world-destroying passivity. Call it lack of commitment, the tendency leaves a trail of hurt and disappointment.
But Christians cannot afford to whine only, our churches are filled with men whose hormones are racing faster than their convictions.
The opportunity older men have is to wrap their arms around their shoulders and ask them to consider speaking up. Because the cost of male passivity is high.
For now, I am hoping my newsfeed friend, and many like him, heed this unsolicited counsel and speak up!
“A word fitly spoken,” said King Solomon, “is like apples in the setting of silver. ” (Proverbs 25:11-13)
Well written! Initiative means leadership and man by design is supposed to lead…so if he doesn’t confusion is the result.
[…] recall, three times I was shipwrecked on my Romantic journey. So when a young man reached me the other week expressing […]