The guy who once led prayer in your University days, the girl who served everybody in the weekly fellowship, the usher who first guided your Sunday visit. A person you know who seemed to know the Lord, or even you!
Easter is about all who have been disillusioned by the Christian faith just as much as those who haven’t.
God knows.
Perhaps something happened along the way, a Pastor turned charlatan, a hypocritical fellow in the youth group, a scandal that rocked the entire church, may be that movie, book that got us doubting and questioning it all.
Maybe your case is different, perhaps it was your University Professor’s remarks about Christianity, that job transfer, that scholarship, perhaps followed by a dusty Bible in the same living room that hosted the weekly fellowship.
Sure, perhaps hers was a different story, her faith in school failed to match the survival pressures after, so she gave in. Unequally yoked now, no more taste for the things of God, tough!
Maybe it was him, a little unguarded reading exposed him to a new perspective, and he forgot to guard his heart with “due diligence, for it is the wellspring of life” (Prov 4:23)” – biblical truth tossed out the window.
Maybe things got just plain busy for you, maybe schedules took over, Sundays became tight, fellowship harder, prayer difficult, love cumbersome.
Let’s just say we are none of these, we probably got it all right, good friends at church, ministry activity, but somehow- oh somehow, we got no chance to learn the Bible on our own, and when the waves came, we discovered the house had been “built on sand,” (Matt 7:24) aw!
We celebrate this Easter with fellow spiritually colds, we pray that our compassionate Lord will revive us again, we pray the resurrection will be literal for us, we pray we will be able to dig into his word again, we pray for more muscle to continually hate and kill sin, more zeal, enough to re-order our priorities.
More hunger for fellowship among God’s people, more sacrifice, more rest in God, more, more, we pray.
We pray for spiritual sight and taste again, that the bread of life(John 6:35) will indeed taste great again, that we will munch away with a quenched thirst too- courtesy of the living water. (John 4:14)
Oh Lord restore your struggling saints this Easter, remind us that in Christ there is always room for wandering prodigals like us, restore our spiritual appetite, renew our minds. Undo us from this worldly aimlessness we find ourselves in.
And may we live to remember this Easter, as the day you pressed “reboot” on our spiritual computer. In your resurrection we hope, may our affections for the things of God arise, Lord.
#Timely Mr.Muleefu. Many thanks for writing and sharing!
Cheers Nancy, thanks for always dropping by here.
It’s Well!
It’s been a while.
Hope all is well too.