Smartphone Down, Lest Glory Pass You By.
New Covenant people see it; those in his image reflect it; will your phone let you behold it?
New Covenant people see it; those in his image reflect it; will your phone let you behold it?
Midlife sometimes feels like pressure to be omnipresent, why?
What if there is more to see than “what meets the eye?”
Search me, O Lord, before TikTok does.
On taking care of neighborhood things, before you take care of worldwide web things.
Search me, oh God, before Tik Tok does.
For more than a decade, I have always lived with a tension resulting from trying to reconcile what I read in God’s word and what I see in God’s world.
This platform is an aggregation of reflections resulting from that discord.
By God’s grace, until the sweat lies cold on my brow, I hope to enter his glory satisfied that his word was not only the lamp to my feet, but a lamp to others’ feet too.
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