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Belated birthday greetings Madiba.

Wasn’t able to have some of your cake, but I understood why.

In light of your world acclaim, a nobody like me, writing from up here in Kampala- Uganda, can rarely get that opportunity.

I hope you get well soon Mr Mandela, but as we await God’s take, I have got a few assumptions Sir, and I would like to relay them here.

I am assuming that prior or during your ailing days, you have carefully reflected over the inevitability of death and what that may spiritually mean when you breath your last.

Bluntly speaking, I hope you have trusted the Lord Jesus for your eternal salvation .For if you have, texts like “where oh death is your sting” (1 Cor 15:55) and  “Whoever believes in me will live even if he dies” (John 11:25) will come as fresh water to a your eternal soul – even as your earthly tent wastes away.

Mr Mandela I am also assuming   you have carefully thought about “the only mediator between man and God, Jesus Christ ( 1Tim 2:5). And I am not talking about baptism, church liturgy, but a relationship with the one who assures  eternal life.

Mr Mandela, I am assuming that a great man like you has not procrastinated on this commitment, “For it is destined that man die once and forever face judgment.” (Heb 9:27)

Because you are familiar with the “prison of the body” Mr Mandela, I am assuming you do not want to imagine what the prison of the soul could be.

.So, again, I assume you have considered the one who “came to set the captives free.” (Luke 4:18).

If my assumptions turn out all wrong Mr Mandela, I pray you will be able to sing “it is well with my soul” now even as news editors start to think about how the newspaper headline will go that morning.

Get well soon Mr Mandela, but if my radio set betrays and announces a different thing tomorrow, at least I will lay assured that  I shared “one more thing” with you – and to all those reading.

If this doesn’t reach your Pretoria address Mr Mandela, I pray that which ever eyes have opened this envelope  will start thinking about their own “Mandela moment “ –  as they seriously consider the one who “died to deliver  those who all along had been held captive to the fear of death.” (Heb 2:15).

That’s the “one more thing” I wanted to share with you Mr Mandela.


Fellow freedom fighter

Not ashamed of the gospel (Rom 1:16)

Eddie Ssemakula

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Robby Muhumuza
Robby Muhumuza
11 years ago

Muleefu. As usual, you don’t disappoint. Thanks for penning this one more thing.

Bob Ambrose
Bob Ambrose
11 years ago

Muleefu… you penned it all.

11 years ago

As always, great stuff. Keeping your eye on the ball!

Kizito justus
Kizito justus
11 years ago

Nice Reminder, I hope that we are all already considering our ‘mandela’ moment, by the way some of us may never live to get that, to some of us it will be like a thief in the night, I pray that you and I will be ready

Irene Mirembe
Irene Mirembe
11 years ago

Eddie, that is quite a piece. By the way, seriously I have been thinking about this for a while, thx Eddie. It is absurd to know the pain bodily prison and add on the prison of the soul. For some some reason I feel pain regarding Mr. Mandela, but it will even be more painful if he goes without saying like you said “it is well with my soul”.

TIM Guina
TIM Guina
11 years ago

A word to a wise …..

11 years ago

Yet another pithy yet on point piece. Worth thinking about!

11 years ago

You just have a way with words Eddie, and that’s the one more thing every living soul should hear. I hope this message reaches those to whom it is meant. Thanks Makula,.

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