Light: he did it the second time.

Light“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Cor 4:6)

The God who said let there be light has made his light shine in the hearts of men, once more, once more!

We can hang that on our walls and still miss it; that God in Christ was doing it all over again, just like in Gen 1:3, where he was looking down the chasm, and saying, and light beams were falling, now he was back at it – this time with human hearts – “Let there be light.” Dead hearts now beating again.
Eyes whose blood supply had been blocked by sin now begin to see. Hearts hardened by compromise, beat again.
Bibles dusty now became a lifeline, all of a sudden.
We whose fists were raised in rebellion now raised in praise, somebody was luring us into marvellous light, inside out.
Those like Saul, who once delighted in murdering Christians, now spoke differently, light had shone.
King Agrippa, Cornelius, the list is long.
He did it the second time!
Lazarus returned a few days after his own requiem mass, affirming that this light, was “the resurrection and life” too.
He did it the second time!
Let there be light, the second time, now we press on towards the prize (Phil 3:14) , because our inner bulbs are on – flickering!
We have access to the father, (Matt 11:27) to the throne we arrive “with confidence” (Heb 4:16),
“Only one mediator between man and God.” (1 Tim 2:5) remember.
Light, he did it the second time.
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Nancy Eyamalayo
8 years ago

That’s brilliant, insightful and inspiring- Mr. Muleefu!

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