The scene opens in Ephesus, the preaching of Christ alive, dead and now resurrected for Jews and Gentiles is spreading like wildfire. It’s Acts chapter Nineteen.
In one lecture room at Tyrannus, Paul, as of first importance teaches God’s word for two years before handkerchiefs bring healing. (Verses 9-12)
The gospel is proclaimed and limbs are restored. Unfortunately, some folks seem to admire the later than the first.
Enter the seven sons of Sceva.
To these sons of a high priest, screaming at and scampering with demons is first priority.
So when they encounter a demon-possessed fellow, they decide to refer to a Jesus they’d only heard about.
Yet we know If you are only comfortable with knowing God exists, you won’t be different from the demons you are trying to chase. At least according to James 2:19.
So anyway, Sceva’s sons get a sobering response.
“One day, the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you? ” (Acts 19:15)
Priorities are re-ordered, the young men got excited about exorcism than conversion, see end of Acts 19, things didn’t end well, the demons sent them scampering, instead.
Dear fiery evangelist, you may fill a stadium with empty wheelchairs and still have nobody’s name written in the heaven, including yours.
Like the 70 disciples who came back rejoicing that the demons obeyed them, you will get a reminder from Jesus to rejoice over what’s more precious.
That your names, and your listeners’ are written in the book of life, first and foremost. (Luke 10:20)
Look like Jesus increasingly, in your character, bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit, decreasing so he may increase, dying daily, putting to death the deeds of the flesh. Making your calling and election sure.
Because our character, which ought to be louder than our words, bears witness to our great salvation!
Who you are in Christ; dead to sin, yet alive in him, righteous yet being sanctified, flawed yet forgiven, seated in heavenly places yet inhabiting sinful flesh, assaulted yet not dominated by sin. Once a child of wrath now adopted, hidden with Christ in God yet aware of the prowling lion, renewed mind yet taking thoughts captive, new creation yet dying daily, in the presence of sin yet not under its power – is more important than how many demons you bark at.
Love your style of writing Muleefu. I see God’s glory in your writings. Press on.
Thank you, glory deflected!
Thanks for passing by too