The “thing” that first attracted me to the Christian church I later became part of, as a new believer, was simple, someone remembered my name.
First, it was one person, then they probably told their friends about me, and then, suddenly, an entire group was eager to shake my hand, even come visit my place. Wow!
Of course, it went beyond that. My birthday became their thing, another strange experience, especially because in the family I had been raised, there were higher priorities than celebrating adult birthdays.
On and on this lovely tendency went, I suppose these young men and women at church still had their worlds to take care of, but at this moment, it looked like they considered “the treasures of Egypt” not worth compared to “life with the redeemed people of God”. Abdicating their nestlings, they put my interests above theirs, because it was a worthy thing for them to do.
Years later, every other Sunday I get, I try to practice the habit of these first faithful Christians I encountered.
Now, for many reasons, I often don’t do a good job. I struggle to recall names, sometimes I favour ‘classy-looking’ people over “okay” ones. Sometimes I am often (vainly) over-sensitive to how I will be perceived, almost every time I have to read the visitor’s body language, before I approach them, oh and there’s one more.
As a father of three, after a long week, sometimes toddler naps, football evenings, and lunch plans, come in the way.
But oh how I try!
And I notice, the few times I have been faithful to this intentional small-talk after church, God has worked wonders untold. Sometimes it’s a question you ask, and somebody’s ‘world’ comes wonderfully in view, sometimes your ‘audience’ is more scared than you, and “hope you had a nice week” is all you can say.
Other times, the awkward attitude communicates that maybe you should move to the next person and “leave it to the Lord, “ joyfully so.
But generally, I’ve found, most people appreciate when engaged in well-motivated, God-stirred conversation, their worlds suddenly become lighter because you asked, and oh, others volunteer to ask about you too.
What a beautiful ordinary exchange redeemed people often forfeit.
Now I try to practice it every other week, based on the New Testament command to put other “people’s interests above mine” (Phil 2:4) I not only trail the newcomer who always looks for the exit after the last song. (often because he has no familiar people to engage) but I am also emboldened by God’s grace, to go after the introverted old timer who prefers to always duck into their smartphone.
God saves us “from” darkness, but also saves us “into” the light” (Matt 5:14, Col 1:13) He gathers us so the church’s welcoming unity may proclaim him to the world). This calls us to be purposeful about the people God brings through our Church doors!
Sometimes strangers keep coming, and keep inviting too, not because the sermon was great (praise the Lord for insufficient great sermons!) but because someone tapped their shoulder the Sunday before and asked about their sick cousin, their school, exams, their difficult job.
So based on Jesus call to love one another so the “…world may know you are his disciples,” (John 13:35) I realise this is not just a calling for ushers, but a calling Jesus gives all of us.
And who knows? Maybe discovering your calling is going to start with hugging an insecure 16 year old this coming Sunday.
Maybe ignoring your fear of man, putting your smartphone down, and walking to the intimidating brother or sister, is what is going to clarify it?
Who knows?

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So kind of you Elle, humbled. Glory to God!
Great encouraging message. It’s a calling for us all, a lowly place to take, yet so observable in the sight of God. Blessings!
Indeed, thank you for passing by Allan!
Thank you for this!
I needed the reminder
Thanks for always passing by here Tesi