I must admit, for long, I’ve badly needed a sort of guide, a practical guide or tool to help me think well about my daily hours, without burning out in hurried busyness, or succumbing to laziness.
A biblical yet practical tool that would help me when I am trying to tuck three kids in bed before 8pm, in order to have my recommended 7 hours of night sleep, chat with my wife before bed, and thus be able to excellently finish the work report needed by my boss the next day. All while resisting noisy internet news feeds all day, (well, sometimes resisting them in between boring staff meetings).

Oh, then there is reserving a regular time for prayer, along with “catching” a paragraph maybe from the book I borrowed recently, not to mention the guts it takes to quiet all the noise inside you in the morning in order to have a proper “morning devotion!”
Rarest things in adulting and the Christian life.
So you can guess my joy when I noticed someone had written a book on productivity from a Christian perspective. Prior to that, I had gobbled up (and still do) each of Jordan Raynor‘s stunning podcasts in the search for my own serenity.
I was lucky to be one of their few selected from his audience to pre-read his advance soft copy of Redeeming the Time: 7 biblical principles of being purposeful, present and wildly productive. (See TGC review)
The book hit my daily routines like lightening, such practical books have a tendency to help you create new habits that eventually become second nature in how you go about everything, such was and is, this copy.
Jordan is so practical and winsome, expounding these seven principles with such biblical insight across the book’s chapters, namely.
- Start with the Word: Find meaningful connection with the author of time daily
2. Let Your Yes Be Yes: Accept only the commitments you can fulfill
3. Dissent from the Kingdom of Noise: Create room for silence, stillness, and reflection
4. Prioritize Your Yeses: Confidently maintain your commitments
5. Accept Your Unipresence: Focus on one important thing at a time
6. Embrace Productive Rest: Live the God-designed rhythms of rest which are productive for our goals and souls
7. Eliminate All Hurry: Embrace productive busyness while ruthlessly eliminating hurry from our lives
After reading this book, I am still of course far off from resisting aimless late night Facebook scrolls. Regular chats with my wife too, especially after long days, still require some intention, and so does my morning time with the Lord — which is often a battle to avoid being sidetracked by folks cutting grass in the neighborhood and the red notifications on my smartphone.
But one thing is clearer now. By God’s grace through this book, I am not the man I was before 2021.
Some habits are sticking as second nature. I am now using more of my God-given willpower especially on social media, and most importantly, I am seeking to please the Lord in the way I rest and work, concurrently, often escaping both empty hurriedness and chronic laziness.
With insights gained from this book, I am asking God to teach me to number my days aright, that I may gain wisdom.
Interested in it? Well, like you, I haven’t bought a hard copy, yet probably unlike you, I have read it and it wins my 2021 best book category hands down!
In fact, I am of the view we keep in touch (Whatsapp 0782793020) and see how we can access copies and maybe help others glorify God with their time and routines too.
A happy new year!
[…] need a skill that God can use to reach unbelievers. The formally unemployed need to find ways to redeem their time. There is no point is attending frequent lunch hour fellowships, when you are always the last to hand […]