Christmas is As Good As Your Meditation.
Biblical meditation is the meat our heads and hearts hunger to spiritually savour, especially amidst December weeds.
Biblical meditation is the meat our heads and hearts hunger to spiritually savour, especially amidst December weeds.
New Covenant people see it; those in his image reflect it; will your phone let you behold it?
If you live in my part of the world, you know how the grind goes, (If you happen to have one that is.) See,
Midlife sometimes feels like pressure to be omnipresent, why?
Grace is increasing in my blogging, who is sufficient for these things?
“Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is not to pray all-night long, but sleep.” D,A Carson
“Theology is the study of God. Now while that can be the intentional pursuit of learning, it also means everyone is a theologian.”
I smelt death, but I almost got too hurried to ponder.
For more than a decade, I have always lived with a tension resulting from trying to reconcile what I read in God’s word and what I see in God’s world.
This platform is an aggregation of reflections resulting from that discord.
By God’s grace, until the sweat lies cold on my brow, I hope to enter his glory satisfied that his word was not only the lamp to my feet, but a lamp to others’ feet too.
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