Why We Don’t See Many Housewife Posts on LinkedIn
Everybody’s work in the “value chain” of the Lord’s Prayer, is empowered and motivated by God.
Everybody’s work in the “value chain” of the Lord’s Prayer, is empowered and motivated by God.
If you live in my part of the world, you know how the grind goes, (If you happen to have one that is.) See,
Creativity can bypass the head and reach the heart without belittling God, ask Lagen.
Jordan Raynor helped me re-imagine my days like never before.
What if there is more to see than “what meets the eye?”
I have a knack for doing things well. I thank God for that. You’d think that makes me good at what I do, sometimes yes,
On starting and pushing a writing business by grace.
Next time you meet someone important, first interact with them for their own benefit.
For more than a decade, I have always lived with a tension resulting from trying to reconcile what I read in God’s word and what I see in God’s world.
This platform is an aggregation of reflections resulting from that discord.
By God’s grace, until the sweat lies cold on my brow, I hope to enter his glory satisfied that his word was not only the lamp to my feet, but a lamp to others’ feet too.
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